Thursday, April 15, 2010

Hello all, still having an amazing time. School is great, class is hard work but i'm doing my best, the Danish language is very hard to learn but im getting there. I just spent a weekend with my next host family who live in Nyråd which is very close to Vordingborg, i'm excited to live with them but i will definatly be sad to leave Alex, Dorte, Erik and Estrid who have all been great to me for the first part of my stay here in Denmark. I am going to Copenhagen tomorrow for the Queen's 70th birthday which will be fun, i expect the area around the palace will be very crowded. I am so excited for the Euro tour coming up next month, Prague, Venice, Paris and many other amazing cities that i get to visit. Now that springs here this country seems to be really coming alive, the change in seasons if far more dramatic then what we go through in New Zealand, after such a cold winter everyone is really happy for some sunshine and warm weather.